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Where to buy
PMR Products:

PMR Products are available as PMR and other brands in UK high street shops UK mail order / internet shops and in an increasing number of outlets in the rest of Europe.

General FAQs:
Many queries (e.g. How To Pair) are common to all Bluetooth devices. Don't forget to look at the General FAQs as well as the device-specific ones show here.

PMR Stereo Bluetooth Headset - Support Page


PMR Stereo Headset - Audio listening only

For general information about this product please go to the product page

PMR Stereo Bluetooth Headset - Documents, Downloads & FAQs


Quick Start Guide
Data Sheet
Declaration of Conformity

Downloads: No downloads are required for this product


FAQ - Pairing to a stereo player
Q I can pair with my mobile phone but I can't pair with my Bluetooth stereo player. What am I doing wrong?
A Try switching off your mobile phone before attempting to pair with your stereo player. When you've paired with your player then your headset should remember both pairings.

FAQ - Pairing to a mobile phone
Q I can pair with my stereo player but I can't pair with my mobile phone. What am I doing wrong?
A Try switching off your stereo player before attempting to pair with your mobile phone. When you've paired with your phone then your headset should remember both pairings.

FAQ - Music stops playing
Q Music stops playing when Talk Button is clicked. Why?

The Talk Button causes your headset to try to connect to your mobile phone. Only press the Talk Button if the microphone is plugged in to your headset and your headset is paired with an active mobile phone

To get music back again try pressing and holding the Talk Button until you hear the beep then release the Talk Button. This should restart music play.